Personalized, professional care for your optimal health

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Personalized, professional care for your optimal health

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Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Chiropractic Services

Convenient Appointments | Affordable Wellness Plans | Insurance Accepted

Convenient Appointments

Affordable Wellness Plans

Insurance Accepted

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Safe, Effective Chiropractic Care for Expectant Mothers

Chiropractic care is extremely safe and effective for pregnant mothers. The doctors at HealthWise Family Chiropractic enjoy working with pregnant women so that they may experience a more comfortable pregnancy, labor, and delivery. 

Benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • Corrects vertebral misalignment
  • Reduces time of labor and delivery
  • Helps to control symptoms of nausea
  • Relieves neck, back, and joint pain
  • Can help to prevent a cesarean section
  • Helps to prevent breech positioning of the baby
  • Re-establishes the natural position and mobility of joints
  • Provides freedom from nervous interference, which is vital for the development of a healthy baby and mother

Trust our 40+ years of combined experience in chiropractic care. Locally owned since 2006, monthly specials are available. We work with all major insurance companies and are licensed for acupuncture and certified in kinesio taping. There’s even Wi-Fi in the waiting room! 

We accept emergency and same-day appointments. 

Call for an appointment today in St.Anthony.

How Chiropractic Care Helps During Pregnancy

During the course of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes innumerable changes biochemically and structurally which can create postural strain as well as neck and back pain. A brief look at the anatomy of the spine provides insight as to why chiropractic adjustments can facilitate a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy. 

The vertebral column is a strong, flexible rod composed of a series of bones called vertebrae which enclose and protect the spinal cord, support the head, and serve as an attachment for the ribs and muscles of the back. This “spine” is able to rotate and move anteriorly (forward), posteriorly (backward), and laterally (side to side). The vertebral column shows four normal curves which increase its strength, help maintain balance in the upright position, absorb shock, and protect the column from fracture.

The spinal cord, which courses down the center of this column, conveys sensory impulses from the peripheral nerves to the brain and conducts impulses from the central nervous system (the brain) to all of the peripheral nerves. When an electrical impulse is stimulated in the brain, it travels a neural pathway in the spinal cord. Misalignment of this vertebral column creates pressure on the spinal nerves, irritating the surrounding tissue, and causing impeded nerve flow, discomfort, and/or pain.

Over the course of a 40-week gestation, a mother’s weight gain will ideally reach somewhere between 20 and 30 pounds. This increase in weight can create spinal misalignment and/or postural distortions which in turn affect nerves, muscles, and mobility of joints. As the bulk of this weight is deposited in the abdominal area, the mother’s center of gravity shifts forward.

In order to compensate, the natural curves of the spine, particularly in the lumbar region, become exaggerated, causing “low-back pain.”

The hips may also expand laterally to help stabilize the body, putting pressure on the sacroiliac joints. The hormones of pregnancy cause muscles, ligaments, cartilage (such as the symphysis pubis), and even bones to “soften” and become more pliable. Pelvic bones “slip” and can become more easily displaced and/or fixated. 

In addition, the round ligaments attach to the pelvis and then the uterus as it enlarges with the growth of the baby. When these ligaments are strained, as with sudden movements or rolling over, they can cause more discomfort for the pregnant mother. 

Professional Care for Optimal Health

Call Today!

(612) 789-1700

(612) 789-1700

“Dr. Maurer, Maverick, and the entire staff are awesome. Everyone is friendly and helpful. My migraine situation has really improved.”

- Chris J.

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HealthWise Family Chiropractic

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